Online Form




Form 2A [Section 27] - Notice Of Enquiry

Form 2B [Section 15] - Notice To Produce A Document

Form 3A [Sections 60 and 61A] - Notice Of Objection To Intended State Works

Form 4A [Section 67] - Temporary Occupation Licence (General Form)

Form 4B [Section 69] - Temporary Occupation Licence (Special Form)

Form 4C [Section 72] - Permit To Remove Rock-Material

Form 4D [Section 75A] - Permit For The Use Of Air Space Above State Land Reserved Land

Form 4E [Section 63] - Lease Or Reserved Land

Form 5A [Sections 81 and 82] - Notice That Land Revenue Is Due

Form 5B [Section 86] - Grant

Form 5C [Section 86] - State Lease

Form 5D [Section 87] - Mukim Grant

Form 5E [Section 87] - Mukim Lease

Form 5F [Section 90] - Notice To Take Out Issue Document Of Title

Form 6A [Sections 97 and 98] - Notice Of Demand Arrears Of Rent

Form 7A [Section 128] - Notice To Remedy A Breach Of Condition

Form 7B [Section 129] - Breach Of Condition Notice To Show Cause

Form 7C [Section 124] - Memorandum Of Variation Of Conditions, Restrictions And Categories

Form 7D [Section 124A] - Application For Variation Of Conditions, Restrictions And Categories In Respect Of Proposed Sub-Divisional Portions Of Land

Form 7E [Section 127(1A)(a)] - Notice To Show Cause For Imposition Of Fine

Form 7F [Section 127(1C)] - Notice Of Intention To Secure Remedy Of Breach Or To Enforce Forfeiture Of The Land

Form 7G [Section 124] - Notice That Payment Is Due (Variation of conditionsrestrictionscategories)

Form 8A [Section 130] - Notice Of Reversion To The State

Form 9 [Section 326-Substituted by Form 19H]

Form 9A [Sections 137] - Application For Sub-Division Of Land

Form 9B [Section 142] - Application To Partition Land

Form 9C [Section 148] - Application For Amalgamation Of Lands

Form 9D, 10A, 10B & 10C - Repealed by Act 318

Form 10D [Section 168] - Notice Of Intention To Issue Title In Continuation (Or New Issue Document In Lieu Thereof)

Form 10E [Section 175A] - Notice Relating To The Preparation Of A Provisional Register Document Of Title

Form 10F [Section 175B(1)] - Application For Registration As Proprietor Of Land Or Interest In Provisional Register Document Of Title

Form 10G [Section 175B(2)] - Receipt For Issue Document Of Title

Form 10H [Section 175D]- Notice That The Provisional Register Document Of Titles Is Open For Inspection

Form 10I [Section 175E] - Objection To An Entry Omission Thereof In The Provisional Register Document Of Title

Form 11A [Section 177] - Document Of Qualified Title

Form 11B [Section 177] - Document Of Qualified Title

Form 11C [Section 187B] - Notice Of Intention To Issue New Issue Document Of Qualified Title

Form 12A [Sections 197] - Application For Surrender Of Land (Relating to the whole of the land)

Form 12B [Sections 200] - Application For Surrender Of Land (Relating to a part only of the land)

Form 12C [Sections 203] - Application For Surrender And Re-Alienation

Form 12D [Sections 204A] - Application For Surrender And Re-Alienation

Form 13A [Section 207] - Heading And Schedule (For Insertion In All Forms Of Dealing)

Form 13B [Section 211] - Form Of Attestation Clause

Form 14A [Section 215, 217, 218] - Transfer Of Land, Share Or Lease

Form 14B [Section 218] - Transfer Of Charge

Form 14D [Section 214A] - Application For A Certificate Of Approval Of Transfer, Conveyance Or Disposal Of Estate Land

Form 15A [Section 221] - Lease Of Land

Form 15B [Section 222] - Sub-lease Of Land

Form 15C [Section 239] - Surrender Of Leas

Form 16A [Section 242] - Charge (To secure payment of a principal sum)

Form 16B [Section 242] - Charge (To secure payment of a periodic sum)

Form 16C [Section 247] - Postponement Of A Charge

Form 16D [Section 254] - Notice Of Default With Respect To A Charge

Form 16E [Section 255] - Demand For Payment Of A Principal Sum

Form 16F [Section 259] - Certificate Of Sale By Court

Form 16G [Section 260] - Application By Chargee For Order For Sale

Form 16H [Section 263] - Order Of Sale At Instance Of Chargee

Form 16I [Section 265] - Certificate Of Sale By Land Administrator

Form 16J [Section 272] - Notice Of Entry Into Possession By Receiving Rents

Form 16K [Section 272] - Notice Of Entry Into Possession By Going Into Occupation

Form 16L [Section 276] - Cancellation Of Notice Of Entry Into Possession (Form 16J)

Form 16M [Section 276] - Cancellation Of Notice Of Entry Into Possession (Form 16J)

Form 16N [Section 278] - Discharge Of Charge




Form 17A [Section 286] - Grant Of Easement

Form 17B [Section 286] - Grant Of Cross-Easements (In Respect Of A Party-Wall)

Form 17C [Section 289] - Release Of Easement

Form 18A [Section 313] - Application For Cancellation Of Lease

Form 18B [Section 314] - Application For Cancellation Of Charge

Form 18C [Section 314] - Certificate Of Payment Due On A Charge

Form 18D [Section 315] - Application For Cancellation Of Aneasement

Form 19A [Section 321] - Notice Of The Entry Of A Caveat

Form 19B [Section 323] - Application For Entry Of A Private Caveat

Form 19C [Section 326] - Notice Of Intended Removal Of Caveat

Form 19D [Section 330] - Application For Entry Of A Lien-Holder's Caveat

Form 19E [Section 333] - Application For Entry Of A Trust Caveat

Form 19F [Section 320] - Entry Of Registrar's Caveat

Form 19G [Section 325] - Notice To Withdraw Private Caveat

Form 19H [Section 326] - Application For Removal Of Private Caveat

Form 23A [Section 351] - Notice Of reversion Or Vesting Of Land Where Proprietor had Died

Form 23B [Section 352] - Notice Of reversion Where Title Has Been Abandoned

Form 26A [Section 379] - Notification Of Change Of Address

Form 28A [Section 390] - Notification Of Change Of Address

Form 28B [Section 391] - Memorial Of A Land Administrator's Right Of Way

Form 28C [Section 394] - Application To Share In A Private Right-Of-Way

Form 29A [Section 400] - Notice To Attend Survey

Form 29B [Section 400] - Summons to Give Information Or Produce documents

Form 29C [Section 401] - Notice To Clear Lines For Survey

Form 29D [Section 398A] - Notice To Produce survey Document

Form 30A [Section 415(1) (a)] - Application For Registration Of A Statutory Vesting Of A Registered Interest In Land

Form 30B [Section 415(1) (b)] - Application For Registration Of A Statutory Vesting Of A Registered Interest In Land

Form 30C [Section 416] - Application For Substituting Name of Transferee For That Of Transferor In A Document Of Entitlement

Form 30D [Section 416A (1) and (4)] - Application For Reservation Of State Land To Be Recorded in Favour Of Applicant

Form 30E [Section 416A (2)] - Notification Of A Recording Of A Statutory Vesting Of A Reservation Of Land

Form 30F [Section 416E (4)] - Notification Of The Preparation And Issue Of A Fresh Issue Document Of TitleDocument Of Entitlement

Form 30G [Section 416E (6)] - Notification Of Memorial On Register Document Of Title Of A Statutory Vesting Of A Registered Registrable Interest In Land

Form 34A [Section 437] - Presentation Book

Level 3, 19, 21 and 22, 10000 KOMTAR,
Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: +604-6505211
Faks: +604-2619588
eMail: webptg[at]penang[dot]gov[dot]my

Copyright © 2013-2016 Lands and Mines Office Penang.
Information Technology Division.
Best view, please use Internet Explorer 11 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 27.0.1 or higher,Safari and Google Chrome with resolution 1280x800 pixels or higher.

Last Updated On:

30 Aug 2024 | 4:00 PM



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Segala kesulitan amatlah dikesali.

Sekian, terima kasih.
