Borang Online




Form 2A [Section 27] - Notice Of Enquiry

Form 2B [Section 15] - Notice To Produce A Document

Form 3A [Sections 60 and 61A] - Notice Of Objection To Intended State Works

Form 4A [Section 67] - Temporary Occupation Licence (General Form)

Form 4B [Section 69] - Temporary Occupation Licence (Special Form)

Form 4C [Section 72] - Permit To Remove Rock-Material

Form 4D [Section 75A] - Permit For The Use Of Air Space Above State Land Reserved Land

Form 4E [Section 63] - Lease Or Reserved Land

Form 5A [Sections 81 and 82] - Notice That Land Revenue Is Due

Form 5B [Section 86] - Grant

Form 5C [Section 86] - State Lease

Form 5D [Section 87] - Mukim Grant

Form 5E [Section 87] - Mukim Lease

Form 5F [Section 90] - Notice To Take Out Issue Document Of Title

Form 6A [Sections 97 and 98] - Notice Of Demand Arrears Of Rent

Form 7A [Section 128] - Notice To Remedy A Breach Of Condition

Form 7B [Section 129] - Breach Of Condition Notice To Show Cause

Form 7C [Section 124] - Memorandum Of Variation Of Conditions, Restrictions And Categories

Form 7D [Section 124A] - Application For Variation Of Conditions, Restrictions And Categories In Respect Of Proposed Sub-Divisional Portions Of Land

Form 7E [Section 127(1A)(a)] - Notice To Show Cause For Imposition Of Fine

Form 7F [Section 127(1C)] - Notice Of Intention To Secure Remedy Of Breach Or To Enforce Forfeiture Of The Land

Form 7G [Section 124] - Notice That Payment Is Due (Variation of conditionsrestrictionscategories)

Form 8A [Section 130] - Notice Of Reversion To The State

Form 9 [Section 326-Substituted by Form 19H]

Form 9A [Sections 137] - Application For Sub-Division Of Land

Form 9B [Section 142] - Application To Partition Land

Form 9C [Section 148] - Application For Amalgamation Of Lands

Form 9D, 10A, 10B & 10C - Repealed by Act 318

Form 10D [Section 168] - Notice Of Intention To Issue Title In Continuation (Or New Issue Document In Lieu Thereof)

Form 10E [Section 175A] - Notice Relating To The Preparation Of A Provisional Register Document Of Title

Form 10F [Section 175B(1)] - Application For Registration As Proprietor Of Land Or Interest In Provisional Register Document Of Title

Form 10G [Section 175B(2)] - Receipt For Issue Document Of Title

Form 10H [Section 175D]- Notice That The Provisional Register Document Of Titles Is Open For Inspection

Form 10I [Section 175E] - Objection To An Entry Omission Thereof In The Provisional Register Document Of Title

Form 11A [Section 177] - Document Of Qualified Title

Form 11B [Section 177] - Document Of Qualified Title

Form 11C [Section 187B] - Notice Of Intention To Issue New Issue Document Of Qualified Title

Form 12A [Sections 197] - Application For Surrender Of Land (Relating to the whole of the land)

Form 12B [Sections 200] - Application For Surrender Of Land (Relating to a part only of the land)

Form 12C [Sections 203] - Application For Surrender And Re-Alienation

Form 12D [Sections 204A] - Application For Surrender And Re-Alienation

Form 13A [Section 207] - Heading And Schedule (For Insertion In All Forms Of Dealing)

Form 13B [Section 211] - Form Of Attestation Clause

Form 14A [Section 215, 217, 218] - Transfer Of Land, Share Or Lease

Form 14B [Section 218] - Transfer Of Charge

Form 14D [Section 214A] - Application For A Certificate Of Approval Of Transfer, Conveyance Or Disposal Of Estate Land

Form 15A [Section 221] - Lease Of Land

Form 15B [Section 222] - Sub-lease Of Land

Form 15C [Section 239] - Surrender Of Leas

Form 16A [Section 242] - Charge (To secure payment of a principal sum)

Form 16B [Section 242] - Charge (To secure payment of a periodic sum)

Form 16C [Section 247] - Postponement Of A Charge

Form 16D [Section 254] - Notice Of Default With Respect To A Charge

Form 16E [Section 255] - Demand For Payment Of A Principal Sum

Form 16F [Section 259] - Certificate Of Sale By Court

Form 16G [Section 260] - Application By Chargee For Order For Sale

Form 16H [Section 263] - Order Of Sale At Instance Of Chargee

Form 16I [Section 265] - Certificate Of Sale By Land Administrator

Form 16J [Section 272] - Notice Of Entry Into Possession By Receiving Rents

Form 16K [Section 272] - Notice Of Entry Into Possession By Going Into Occupation

Form 16L [Section 276] - Cancellation Of Notice Of Entry Into Possession (Form 16J)

Form 16M [Section 276] - Cancellation Of Notice Of Entry Into Possession (Form 16J)

Form 16N [Section 278] - Discharge Of Charge




Form 17A [Section 286] - Grant Of Easement

Form 17B [Section 286] - Grant Of Cross-Easements (In Respect Of A Party-Wall)

Form 17C [Section 289] - Release Of Easement

Form 18A [Section 313] - Application For Cancellation Of Lease

Form 18B [Section 314] - Application For Cancellation Of Charge

Form 18C [Section 314] - Certificate Of Payment Due On A Charge

Form 18D [Section 315] - Application For Cancellation Of Aneasement

Form 19A [Section 321] - Notice Of The Entry Of A Caveat

Form 19B [Section 323] - Application For Entry Of A Private Caveat

Form 19C [Section 326] - Notice Of Intended Removal Of Caveat

Form 19D [Section 330] - Application For Entry Of A Lien-Holder's Caveat

Form 19E [Section 333] - Application For Entry Of A Trust Caveat

Form 19F [Section 320] - Entry Of Registrar's Caveat

Form 19G [Section 325] - Notice To Withdraw Private Caveat

Form 19H [Section 326] - Application For Removal Of Private Caveat

Form 23A [Section 351] - Notice Of reversion Or Vesting Of Land Where Proprietor had Died

Form 23B [Section 352] - Notice Of reversion Where Title Has Been Abandoned

Form 26A [Section 379] - Notification Of Change Of Address

Form 28A [Section 390] - Notification Of Change Of Address

Form 28B [Section 391] - Memorial Of A Land Administrator's Right Of Way

Form 28C [Section 394] - Application To Share In A Private Right-Of-Way

Form 29A [Section 400] - Notice To Attend Survey

Form 29B [Section 400] - Summons to Give Information Or Produce documents

Form 29C [Section 401] - Notice To Clear Lines For Survey

Form 29D [Section 398A] - Notice To Produce survey Document

Form 30A [Section 415(1) (a)] - Application For Registration Of A Statutory Vesting Of A Registered Interest In Land

Form 30B [Section 415(1) (b)] - Application For Registration Of A Statutory Vesting Of A Registered Interest In Land

Form 30C [Section 416] - Application For Substituting Name of Transferee For That Of Transferor In A Document Of Entitlement

Form 30D [Section 416A (1) and (4)] - Application For Reservation Of State Land To Be Recorded in Favour Of Applicant

Form 30E [Section 416A (2)] - Notification Of A Recording Of A Statutory Vesting Of A Reservation Of Land

Form 30F [Section 416E (4)] - Notification Of The Preparation And Issue Of A Fresh Issue Document Of TitleDocument Of Entitlement

Form 30G [Section 416E (6)] - Notification Of Memorial On Register Document Of Title Of A Statutory Vesting Of A Registered Registrable Interest In Land

Form 34A [Section 437] - Presentation Book

Paras 3, 19, 21 dan 22, 10000 KOMTAR,
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Tel: +604-6505211
Faks: +604-2619588
eMel: webptg[at]penang[dot]gov[dot]my

Hakcipta Terpelihara © 2013-2016
Pejabat Tanah Dan Galian Negeri Pulau Pinang. BahagianTeknologi Maklumat.
Paparan terbaik menggunakan Internet Explorer 11 ke atas, Mozilla Firefox 27.0.1 ke atas,Safari dan Google Chrome dengan resolusi melebihi 1280 x 800 pixels.

Tarikh & Masa Kemaskini:

30 Ogos 2024 | 4:00 PM



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